RaPT は、Ruby on Railsのプラグインを管理するためのツールです。
RaPT is a replacemen
t for the plugin script included with the Rails distributi on. It's a little more fault-tole rant and featured than the default plugin script. The main additional feature is the ability to search for Rails plugins from the command line.
以前から、RailsプラグインにもRubyGemsに相当するような パッケージ管理ツールがほしいと思っていたのですが、 これを使えば目的を達することができるかも。
1 % sudo gem install rapt
1 % rapt -h 2 Usage: rapt [OPTIONS] command 3 Rails plugin manager. 4 5 GENERAL OPTIONS 6 -r, --root=DIRSet an explicit rails app directory. 7 Default: /home/taki uchi/blog 8 -s, --source=U RL1,URL2 Use the specified plugin repositori es instead 9 of the defaults. 10 -v, --verbose Turn on verbose output. 11 -h, --help Show this help message.
1 discover Discover plugin repositories. 2 list List available plugins. 3 search Search for available plugins. 4 about Show basic info about a plugin. 5 install Install plugin(s) from known repositori es or URLs. 6 update Update installed plugins. 7 remove Uninstall plugins. 8 source Add a plugin source repository . 9 unsource Remove a plugin repository . 10 sources List currently configured plugin repositori es. 11 pack:insta ll Install plugins from plugin pack file or URL 12 pack:unins tall Uninstall plugins from plugin pack file or URL 13 pack:about Display plugin pack informatio n
長くなったので、 Click to toggle display Example.
Install a plugin:
1 % rapt install continuous_builder
Install a plugin from a subversion
1 % rapt install http://dev.rubyonrai ls.com/svn /rails/plu gins/conti nuous_buil der
Install a plugin and add a svn:extern
1 % rapt install -x continuous_builder
Show informatio
1 % rapt about acts_as_chunky_bacon
List all available plugins:
1 % rapt list
List plugins in the specified repository
1 % rapt list --source=http://dev. rubyonrail s.com/svn/ rails/plug ins/
Search available plugins:
1 % rapt search "authentication"
Discover and prompt to add new repositori
1 % rapt discover
Discover new repositori
1 % rapt discover -l
Add a new repository
1 % rapt source http://dev.rubyonrai ls.com/svn /rails/plu gins/
Remove a repository
1 rapt unsource http://dev.rubyonrai ls.com/svn /rails/plu gins/
Show currently configured
1 % rapt sources
Show the options for the list command:
1 % rapt list -h
Install a plugin pack:
1 % rapt pack:install http://ope nsource.ag ileevolved .com/plugi npacks/sta ndard.plug inpack
View plugin pack meta data:
1 % rapt pack:abouthttp://ope nsource.ag ileevolved .com/plugi npacks/sta ndard.plug inpack