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仕事で Spring Roo を使う機会が増えてきたので、チュートリアル的な内容をメモ。まずはRooのインストールについてです。


  • Spring Rooのサイト から下記ファイルをダウンロードします。


  • 解凍して任意のディレクトリに配置します。

  • 上記ディレクトリを環境変数 ROO_HOME に設定し、 %ROO_HOME%\bin を環境変数 PATH に追加します。

  • コマンドプロンプトから roo と入力して実行することで roo shell が起動します。

   1  >roo
   2  ____ ____ ____
   3  / __ \/ __ \/ __ \
   4  / /_/ / / / / / / /
   5  / _, _/ /_/ / /_/ /
   6  /_/ |_|\____/\____/ 1.1.5.RELEASE [rev d3a68c3]
   9  Welcome to Spring Roo. For assistance press TAB or type "hint" then hit ENTER.
  11  At this time you have not authorized Spring Roo to download an index of
  12  available add-ons. This will reduce Spring Roo features available to you.
  13  Please type 'download status' and press ENTER for further information.
  15  roo>

  • リソースのダウンロードに同意するために、download status と入力して実行します。

   1  roo> download status
   5  Spring Roo needs to download resources from VMware domains to improve your
   6  experience. We include anonymous usage information as part of these downloads.
   8  The Spring team gathers anonymous usage information to improve your Spring
   9  experience, not for marketing purposes. For example, we collect anonymous
  10  information about the usage of public Roo add-ons. This lets us offer you
  11  higher quality add-on search results, highlighting the add-ons which are most
  12  popular in the Roo community. We also use this information to help guide our
  13  roadmap, prioritizing the features most valued by the community and enabling
  14  us to optimize the compatibility of technologies frequently used together.
  16  Please see the Spring User Agent Analysis (UAA) Terms of Use at
  17  http://www.springsource.org/uaa/terms_of_use for more information on what
  18  information is collected and how such information is used. There is also an
  19  FAQ at http://www.springsource.org/uaa/faq for your convenience.
  21  To consent to the Terms of Use, please type 'download accept terms of use' at
  22  the command prompt and press ENTER. If you do not type 'download accept terms
  23  of use' to indicate your consent, Spring Roo add-on discovery features will
  24  not be available and anonymous data collection will remain disabled.
  26  Next steps:
  28  * To enable downloads, type 'download accept terms of use' and press ENTER
  30  * To disable downloads, type 'download reject terms of use' and press ENTER
  32  If you don't type either command, Roo will remind you next time it loads.
  34  roo>

  • download accept terms of use を実行することでリソースのダウンロードに同意できます。

   1  roo> download accept terms of use
   2  Thank you. All Spring Roo download features have now been enabled.

  • roo shell ではhintコマンドを実行することで次にやるべきことのヒントが表示されます。

   1  roo> hint
   2  Welcome to Roo! We hope you enjoy your stay!
   4  Before you can use many features of Roo, you need to start a new project.
   6  To do this, type 'project' (without the quotes) and then hit TAB.
   8  Enter a --topLevelPackage like 'com.mycompany.projectname' (no quotes).
   9  When you've finished completing your --topLevelPackage, press ENTER.
  10  Your new project will then be created in the current working directory.
  12  Note that Roo frequently allows the use of TAB, so press TAB regularly.
  13  Once your project is created, type 'hint' and ENTER for the next suggestion.
  14  You're also welcome to visit http://forum.springframework.org for Roo help.

  • roo shell の終了は quitコマンドです。

   1  roo> quit

  • これでひとまずRooを使う環境が作成できました。
posted by Png akanuma on Thu 17 Nov 2011 at 08:41


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