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   1  //	To use those functions below
   2  //	You need to import CommonCrypto.h in your bridging header.
   3  //		#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>
   5  func
   6  DataCryptedByAES( operation: CCOperation, p: NSData, key: NSData, _ options: CCOptions = CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), _ iv: NSData? = nil ) -> ( CCCryptorStatus, NSData ) {
   7  	var	wKeyLength = 0
   8  	if		key.length < kCCKeySizeAES128	{ assert( false ) }
   9  	else if	key.length < kCCKeySizeAES192	{ wKeyLength = kCCKeySizeAES128 }
  10  	else if	key.length < kCCKeySizeAES256	{ wKeyLength = kCCKeySizeAES192 }
  11  	else									{ wKeyLength = kCCKeySizeAES256 }
  13  	if iv != nil { assert( iv!.length == kCCBlockSizeAES128 ) }
  15  	var	wLength = UInt( ( ( p.length + kCCBlockSizeAES128 - 1 ) / kCCBlockSizeAES128 ) * kCCBlockSizeAES128 )
  16  	let	v = NSMutableData( length: Int( wLength ) )!
  17  	let	s: CCCryptorStatus = CCCrypt(
  18  		operation
  19  	,	CCAlgorithm( kCCAlgorithmAES )
  20  	,	options
  21  	,	key.bytes
  22  	,	UInt( wKeyLength )
  23  	,	iv != nil ? iv!.bytes : nil
  24  	,	p.bytes
  25  	,	UInt( p.length )
  26  	,	v.mutableBytes
  27  	,	wLength
  28  	,	&wLength
  29  	)
  30  	v.length = Int( wLength )
  31  	return ( s, v )
  32  }
  34  func
  35  DataEncryptedByAES( p: NSData, key: NSData, _ options: CCOptions = CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), _ iv: NSData? = nil ) -> ( CCCryptorStatus, NSData ) {
  36  	return DataCryptedByAES( CCOperation( kCCEncrypt ), p, key, options, iv )
  37  }
  39  func
  40  DataDecryptedByAES( p: NSData, key: NSData, _ options: CCOptions = CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), _ iv: NSData? = nil ) -> ( CCCryptorStatus, NSData ) {
  41  	return DataCryptedByAES( CCOperation( kCCDecrypt ), p, key, options, iv )
  42  }
  44  func
  45  DataCryptedByBlowfish( operation: CCOperation, p: NSData, key: NSData, _ options: CCOptions = CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), _ iv: NSData? = nil ) -> ( CCCryptorStatus, NSData ) {
  46  	if iv != nil { assert( iv!.length == kCCBlockSizeBlowfish ) }
  48  	var	wLength = UInt( ( ( p.length + kCCBlockSizeBlowfish - 1 ) / kCCBlockSizeBlowfish ) * kCCBlockSizeBlowfish )
  49  	let	v = NSMutableData( length: Int( wLength ) )!
  50  	let	s: CCCryptorStatus = CCCrypt(
  51  		operation
  52  	,	CCAlgorithm( kCCAlgorithmBlowfish )
  53  	,	options
  54  	,	key.bytes
  55  	,	UInt( key.length )
  56  	,	iv != nil ? iv!.bytes : nil
  57  	,	p.bytes
  58  	,	UInt( p.length )
  59  	,	v.mutableBytes
  60  	,	wLength
  61  	,	&wLength
  62  	)
  63  	v.length = Int( wLength )
  64  	return ( s, v )
  65  }
  67  func
  68  DataEncryptedByBlowfish( p: NSData, key: NSData, _ options: CCOptions = CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), _ iv: NSData? = nil ) -> ( CCCryptorStatus, NSData ) {
  69  	return DataCryptedByBlowfish( CCOperation( kCCEncrypt ), p, key, options, iv )
  70  }
  72  func
  73  DataDecryptedByBlowfish( p: NSData, key: NSData, _ options: CCOptions = CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), _ iv: NSData? = nil ) -> ( CCCryptorStatus, NSData ) {
  74  	return DataCryptedByBlowfish( CCOperation( kCCDecrypt ), p, key, options, iv )
  75  }
  78  //USAGE
  80  func
  81  UTF8Data( p: String ) -> NSData? {
  82  	return p.dataUsingEncoding( NSUTF8StringEncoding )
  83  }
  85  func
  86  Usage() {
  87  	let	wKey = UTF8Data( "teststring" )!
  88  	let	wIV = UTF8Data( "12345678" )!
  89  	var	( s, data ) = DataEncryptedByBlowfish( UTF8Data( "testmessage" )!, wKey, CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), wIV )
  90  	assert( Int( s ) == kCCSuccess )
  91  	( s, data ) = DataDecryptedByBlowfish( data, wKey, CCOptions( kCCOptionPKCS7Padding ), wIV )
  92  	assert( Int( s ) == kCCSuccess )
  93  }

posted by Face Saturn on Thu 26 Mar 2015 at 08:45
AES & Blowfish in swift (CBC)
Services from s21g