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I recommend to use SoundFlower, the great audio routing program.

When using modules in AVFoundation, sound environment needs to be configured properly both input and output. But MacPro2013 doesn't have internal microphone so it cannot be configured properly and when playing sound with AVAudioPlayer, errors like below will appear in console.

   1  2014-04-09 11:50:47.717 XXXX[2897:60b] 11:50:47.717 ERROR:     398: error -66680
   2  2014-04-09 11:50:47.717 XXXX[2897:60b] 11:50:47.717 ERROR:     398: error -66680
   3  2014-04-09 11:50:47.717 XXXX[2897:60b] 11:50:47.717 ERROR:     >aq> 1605: failed (-66680); will stop (11025/0 frames)

Because I don't have any microphones around me, I cannot plug it into my MacPro. I don't like to plug my earphone instead of plugging microphone. There was another choice. Soundflower, the great software for routing audio. Installing this software and selecting SoundFlower(2ch) in Setting/Sound/Input solved this problem.

posted by Face Saturn on Wed 9 Apr 2014 at 12:25


一週間前から HP が見えなくなっているらしい。


whois で見ると、レジストラはメルボルンIT。あれ、ここよく見るな。


というわけでメルボルンIT の HP に行ってドメインを検索すると、小さく Renew のリンクが。


メアドをなんとかしなくちゃいけないので相談しなくちゃ、と思いサポートコミュニティを見ると、Renewal の相談の嵐。







4/12 無事解決、よかった!。http://www.soup-spoon.com

posted by Face Saturn on Tue 8 Apr 2014 at 13:19

With optimization level other than NONE,

[ UINib nibWithNibName:... ]


[ NSBundle.mainBundle loadNibNamed:... ]

return nil when custom view class is instantiated only in the nib file.

In this case, there needs to be dummy instantiation code somewhere reachable or compile with optimization level NONE.


posted by Face Saturn on Tue 8 Apr 2014 at 05:57


で変更できる。変更すると、リクエストしたアプリは SIGKILL で殺される。 不許可方向は当然だが、なんと許可方向でも殺される。 なので、アプリ内でフォアにきたとき

   1  ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion

posted by Face Saturn on Mon 7 Apr 2014 at 18:38

iPhone 5 Retina の解像度で画面一杯の画像を左に1ドットずらす事を考える

つまり 320 x 568 x 4 X 4 = 2908160 バイト数分のコピー

   1  		for/memmove		機種		Debug	Release	(nano sec)
   2  int32	for		forward	5		7798625	3169792
   3  int32	for		reverse	5		6819542	2541750
   4  float		for		forward	5		8200625	2440875
   5  float		for		reverse	5		5783625	2477167
   6  int32	mem		forward	5		1105375	1394833
   7  int32	mem		reverse	5		894833	1158125
   8  float		mem		forward	5		1085958	1128250
   9  float		mem		reverse	5		896542	946042
  12  int32	for		forward	5s		4817875	943250
  13  int32	for		reverse	5s		4419667	976417
  14  float		for		forward	5s		4793042	893958
  15  float		for		reverse	5s		4415625	934625
  16  int32	mem		forward	5s		593083	628042
  17  int32	mem		reverse	5s		644542	582750
  18  float		mem		forward	5s		565583	605958
  19  float		mem		reverse	5s		561875	594792

ちなみに Accelerate Framework の vDSP_vsaddX で0を足すという強引な手でやると、以下のような結果。(オーバーラップしているときは使える保証がないので参考までに) 5s の Accelerate が何故かすごく早くなっていて、OpenGL を使ったときのような発熱がある。GPU ベースに書き直したのか?

   1  int32	DSP		reverse	5		1764667	2197000
   2  int32	DSP		reverse	5s		329292	393375
   3  float		DSP		reverse	5		1083958	1291875
   4  float		DSP		reverse	5s		325875	421125


   1  inline	void
   2  SpeedTest()
   3  {
   4  //	Normal
   5  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
   6  		int32_t*	w = new int32_t[ wNum + 1 ];
   7  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
   8  		Timer		wTimer;
   9  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = w[ i + 1 ];
  10  		NSLog( @"Int32 Forward:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  11  		for ( size_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i + 1 );
  12  		delete[] w;
  13  	}
  14  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  15  		int32_t*	w = new int32_t[ wNum + 1 ];
  16  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  17  		Timer		wTimer;
  18  		int32_t		wCounter = wNum;
  19  		while ( wCounter-- ) w[ wCounter + 1 ] = w[ wCounter ];
  20  		NSLog( @"Int32 Reverse:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  21  		for ( size_t i = 1; i <= wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i - 1 );
  22  		delete[] w;
  23  	}
  24  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  25  		float*		w = new float[ wNum + 1 ];
  26  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  27  		Timer		wTimer;
  28  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = w[ i + 1 ];
  29  		NSLog( @"Float Forward:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  30  		for ( size_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i + 1 );
  31  		delete[] w;
  32  	}
  33  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  34  		float*		w = new float[ wNum + 1 ];
  35  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  36  		Timer		wTimer;
  37  		int32_t		wCounter = wNum;
  38  		while ( wCounter-- ) w[ wCounter + 1 ] = w[ wCounter ];
  39  		NSLog( @"Float Reverse:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  40  		for ( size_t i = 1; i <= wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i - 1 );
  41  		delete[] w;
  42  	}
  43  //	Memmove
  44  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  45  		int32_t*	w = new int32_t[ wNum + 1 ];
  46  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  47  		Timer		wTimer;
  48  		memmove( w, w + 1, wNum * 4 );
  49  		NSLog( @"Int32 Memmove	Forward:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  50  		for ( size_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i + 1 );
  51  		delete[] w;
  52  	}
  53  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  54  		int32_t*	w = new int32_t[ wNum + 1 ];
  55  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  56  		Timer		wTimer;
  57  		memmove( w + 1, w, wNum * 4 );
  58  		NSLog( @"Int32 Memmove	Reverse:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  59  		for ( size_t i = 1; i <= wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i - 1 );
  60  		delete[] w;
  61  	}
  62  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  63  		float*		w = new float[ wNum + 1 ];
  64  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  65  		Timer		wTimer;
  66  		memmove( w, w + 1, wNum * 4 );
  67  		NSLog( @"Float Memmove	Forward:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  68  		for ( size_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i + 1 );
  69  		delete[] w;
  70  	}
  71  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  72  		float*		w = new float[ wNum + 1 ];
  73  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  74  		Timer		wTimer;
  75  		memmove( w + 1, w, wNum * 4 );
  76  		NSLog( @"Float Memmove	Reverse:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  77  		for ( size_t i = 1; i <= wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i - 1 );
  78  		delete[] w;
  79  	}
  80  //	DSP
  81  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  82  		int*		w = new int[ wNum + 1 ];
  83  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  84  		Timer		wTimer;
  85  		int			wZero = 0;
  86  		vDSP_vsaddi( w + 1, 1, &wZero, w, 1, wNum );
  87  		NSLog( @"Int32 vDSP_vsaddi Rev:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  88  		for ( size_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i + 1 );
  89  		delete[] w;
  90  	}
  91  	{	int32_t		wNum = 320 * 568 * 4;
  92  		float*	w = new float[ wNum + 1 ];
  93  		for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= wNum; i++ ) w[ i ] = i;
  94  		Timer		wTimer;
  95  		float		wZero = 0;
  96  		vDSP_vsadd( w + 1, 1, &wZero, w, 1, wNum );
  97  		NSLog( @"Float vDSP_vsadd Rev:%zd", wTimer.Nano() );
  98  		for ( size_t i = 0; i < wNum; i++ ) assert( w[ i ] == i + 1 );
  99  		delete[] w;
 100  	}
 101  }

posted by Face Saturn on Mon 2 Dec 2013 at 17:20

dispatch_async , dispatch_group_async で sleep する JOB はいくつでも走らせられるが、dispatch_apply では実スレッド数分しか走らない。

dispatch_async , dispatch_group_async では JOB が sleep すると実スレッドを他の JOB が再利用するようだが、dispatch_apply はしない?

   1  #include    <stdio.h>
   2  #include    <dispatch/dispatch.h>
   4  static  long long
   5  Sum( long long p = 1000000000 )
   6  {   long long   v = 0;
   7      for ( long long i = 1; i <= p; i++ ) v += i;
   8      return v;
   9  }
  11  void
  12  Apply()
  13  {
  14      __block long long sum = 0;
  16      dispatch_apply
  17      (   10  
  18      ,   dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ) 
  19      ,   ^( size_t p ) 
  20          {   printf( ">>%zd\n", p );
  21              sum += Sum();
  22              printf( "<<%zd\n", p );
  23          }   
  24      );  
  26      printf( "sum = %lld\n", sum );
  27  }
  29  void
  30  GroupAsync()
  31  {
  32      __block long long sum = 0;
  34      dispatch_group_t wG = dispatch_group_create();
  35      dispatch_queue_t wQ = dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 );
  36      for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
  37      {   dispatch_group_async
  38          (   wG  
  39          ,   wQ  
  40          ,   ^() 
  41              {   printf( ">>%zd\n", i );
  42                  sum += Sum();
  43                  printf( "<<%zd\n", i );
  44              }   
  45          );  
  46      }   
  47      dispatch_group_wait( wG, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER );
  48      dispatch_release( wG );
  49      printf( "sum = %lld\n", sum );
  51  }
  53  void
  54  Async()
  55  {
  56      __block long long sum = 0;
  58      dispatch_queue_t wQ = dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 );
  59      for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
  60      {   dispatch_async
  61          (   wQ  
  62          ,   ^() 
  63              {   printf( ">>%zd\n", i );
  64              //  sum += Sum();
  65                  sleep( 7 );
  66                  printf( "<<%zd\n", i );
  67              }   
  68          );  
  69      }   
  70      dispatch_main();
  71  }

posted by Face Saturn on Fri 29 Nov 2013 at 00:24

たぶん、mach_absolute_time で取った値が渡されているようなので、 mach_timebase_info による調整をしてやる必要がある。

   1  mach_timebase_info_data_t TB;
   2  mach_timebase_info( &TB );

   1  pTimeStamp->mHostTime * TB.numer / TB.denom;

とすると nano second になる。

posted by Face Saturn on Mon 18 Nov 2013 at 11:00

   1  # of Components:101
   2     10000 : Apple PAC3 Transcoder
   3              Type           acdc:----
   4              SubType        pac3:----
   5              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
   6              Flags          2 0
   7     10000 : Apple ZAC3 Transcoder
   8              Type           acdc:----
   9              SubType        zac3:----
  10              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  11              Flags          2 0
  12     10101 : MPEG Layers I Decoder
  13              Type           adec:----
  14              SubType        .mp1:----
  15              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  16              Flags          2 0
  17     10101 : MPEG Layer II Decoder
  18              Type           adec:----
  19              SubType        .mp2:----
  20              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  21              Flags          2 0
  22     10101 : MPEG Layer 3 Decoder
  23              Type           adec:----
  24              SubType        .mp3:----
  25              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  26              Flags          2 0
  27     10101 : QDesign Music 2 Decoder
  28              Type           adec:----
  29              SubType        QDM2:----
  30              Manufacturerer QDes:----
  31              Flags          2 0
  32     10101 : QDesign Music Decoder
  33              Type           adec:----
  34              SubType        QDMC:----
  35              Manufacturerer QDes:----
  36              Flags          2 0
  37     10100 : Qualcomm PureVoiceDecoder
  38              Type           adec:----
  39              SubType        Qclp:----
  40              Manufacturerer QCOM:----
  41              Flags          2 0
  42     10100 : PureVoice VBR Decoder
  43              Type           adec:----
  44              SubType        Qclq:----
  45              Manufacturerer QCOM:----
  46              Flags          2 0
  47         1 : Microsoft ADPCM
  48              Type           adec:----
  49              SubType        TS:----
  50              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  51              Flags          2 0
  52         1 : Microsoft IMA ADPCM
  53              Type           adec:----
  54              SubType        TS:----
  55              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  56              Flags          2 0
  57         1 : Microsoft G.726
  58              Type           adec:----
  59              SubType        TS:----
  60              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  61              Flags          2 0
  62         1 : Windows Media Audio 7
  63              Type           adec:----
  64              SubType        WMA1:----
  65              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  66              Flags          2 0
  67         1 : Windows Media Audio 9 Standard
  68              Type           adec:----
  69              SubType        WMA2:----
  70              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  71              Flags          2 0
  72         1 : Windows Media Audio 9 Professional
  73              Type           adec:----
  74              SubType        WMA3:----
  75              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  76              Flags          2 0
  77         1 : Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless
  78              Type           adec:----
  79              SubType        WMAL:----
  80              Manufacturerer TELE:----
  81              Flags          2 0
  82     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Decoder
  83              Type           adec:----
  84              SubType        aac :----
  85              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  86              Flags          2 0
  87     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Enhanced Low Delay Decoder
  88              Type           adec:----
  89              SubType        aace:----
  90              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  91              Flags          2 0
  92     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Enhanced Low Delay Decoder with SBR extension
  93              Type           adec:----
  94              SubType        aacf:----
  95              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
  96              Flags          2 0
  97     10200 : MPEG-4 HE AAC Decoder
  98              Type           adec:----
  99              SubType        aach:----
 100              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 101              Flags          2 0
 102     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Low Delay Decoder
 103              Type           adec:----
 104              SubType        aacl:----
 105              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 106              Flags          2 0
 107     10000 : MPEG-4 HE AAC V2 Decoder
 108              Type           adec:----
 109              SubType        aacp:----
 110              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 111              Flags          2 0
 112     10101 : Apple Lossless Decoder
 113              Type           adec:----
 114              SubType        alac:----
 115              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 116              Flags          2 0
 117     10101 : DVI Decoder
 118              Type           adec:----
 119              SubType        dvi8:----
 120              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 121              Flags          2 0
 122     10101 : iLBC Decoder
 123              Type           adec:----
 124              SubType        ilbc:----
 125              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 126              Flags          2 0
 127     10101 : Apple IMA4 Decoder
 128              Type           adec:----
 129              SubType        ima4:----
 130              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 131              Flags          2 0
 132     10100 : MS ADPCM Decoder
 133              Type           adec:----
 134              SubType        ms:----
 135              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 136              Flags          2 0
 137     10101 : MS DVI Decoder
 138              Type           adec:----
 139              SubType        ms:----
 140              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 141              Flags          2 0
 142     10100 : MS GSM 6.10 Decoder
 143              Type           adec:----
 144              SubType        ms:----
 145              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 146              Flags          2 0
 147     10000 : Apple PAAC Decoder
 148              Type           adec:----
 149              SubType        paac:----
 150              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 151              Flags          2 0
 152     10101 : AMR Decoder
 153              Type           adec:----
 154              SubType        samr:----
 155              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 156              Flags          2 0
 157     10000 : Apple ZAAC Decoder
 158              Type           adec:----
 159              SubType        zaac:----
 160              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 161              Flags          2 0
 162     10000 : Apple ZACH Decoder
 163              Type           adec:----
 164              SubType        zach:----
 165              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 166              Flags          2 0
 167     10000 : Apple ZACP Decoder
 168              Type           adec:----
 169              SubType        zacp:----
 170              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 171              Flags          2 0
 172     10100 : Qualcomm PureVoiceEncoder
 173              Type           aenc:----
 174              SubType        Qclp:----
 175              Manufacturerer QCOM:----
 176              Flags          2 0
 177     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Encoder
 178              Type           aenc:----
 179              SubType        aac :----
 180              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 181              Flags          2 0
 182     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Enhanced Low Delay Encoder
 183              Type           aenc:----
 184              SubType        aace:----
 185              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 186              Flags          2 0
 187     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Enhanced Low Delay with SBR Encoder
 188              Type           aenc:----
 189              SubType        aacf:----
 190              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 191              Flags          2 0
 192     10200 : MPEG-4 HE AAC Encoder
 193              Type           aenc:----
 194              SubType        aach:----
 195              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 196              Flags          2 0
 197     10701 : MPEG-4 AAC Low Delay Encoder
 198              Type           aenc:----
 199              SubType        aacl:----
 200              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 201              Flags          2 0
 202     10000 : MPEG-4 HE AAC V2 Encoder
 203              Type           aenc:----
 204              SubType        aacp:----
 205              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 206              Flags          2 0
 207     10101 : Apple Lossless Encoder
 208              Type           aenc:----
 209              SubType        alac:----
 210              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 211              Flags          2 0
 212     10101 : iLBC Encoder
 213              Type           aenc:----
 214              SubType        ilbc:----
 215              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 216              Flags          2 0
 217     10101 : Apple IMA4 Encoder
 218              Type           aenc:----
 219              SubType        ima4:----
 220              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 221              Flags          2 0
 222     10000 : QTAudioFileComponent
 223              Type           afil:----
 224              SubType        MooV:----
 225              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 226              Flags          2 0
 227     10600 : Apple: AUConverter
 228              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 229              SubType        conv:kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter
 230              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 231              Flags          2 0
 232     10600 : Apple: AUDeferredRenderer
 233              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 234              SubType        defr:kAudioUnitSubType_DeferredRenderer
 235              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 236              Flags          2 0
 237     10600 : Apple: AUNotQuiteSoSimpleTime
 238              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 239              SubType        ipto:kAudioUnitSubType_AUiPodTimeOther
 240              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 241              Flags          2 0
 242     10600 : Apple: AUMerger
 243              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 244              SubType        merg:kAudioUnitSubType_Merger
 245              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 246              Flags          2 0
 247     10600 : Apple: AUNewTimePitch
 248              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 249              SubType        nutp:kAudioUnitSubType_NewTimePitch
 250              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 251              Flags          2 0
 252     10600 : Apple: AUSplitter
 253              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 254              SubType        splt:kAudioUnitSubType_Splitter
 255              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 256              Flags          2 0
 257     10600 : Apple: AUTimePitch
 258              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 259              SubType        tmpt:kAudioUnitSubType_TimePitch/kAudioUnitSubType_Pitch
 260              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 261              Flags          2 0
 262     10600 : Apple: AUVarispeed
 263              Type           aufc:kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
 264              SubType        vari:kAudioUnitSubType_Varispeed
 265              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 266              Flags          2 0
 267     10600 : Apple: AUBandpass
 268              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 269              SubType        bpas:kAudioUnitSubType_BandPassFilter
 270              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 271              Flags          2 0
 272     10600 : Apple: AUDynamicsProcessor
 273              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 274              SubType        dcmp:kAudioUnitSubType_DynamicsProcessor
 275              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 276              Flags          2 0
 277     10600 : Apple: AUDelay
 278              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 279              SubType        dely:kAudioUnitSubType_Delay
 280              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 281              Flags          2 0
 282     10600 : Apple: AUDistortion
 283              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 284              SubType        dist:kAudioUnitSubType_Distortion
 285              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 286              Flags          2 0
 287     20100 : Apple: AUFilter
 288              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 289              SubType        filt:kAudioUnitSubType_AUFilter
 290              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 291              Flags          2 0
 292     10600 : Apple: AUGraphicEQ
 293              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 294              SubType        greq:kAudioUnitSubType_GraphicEQ
 295              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 296              Flags          2 0
 297     10600 : Apple: AUHipass
 298              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 299              SubType        hpas:kAudioUnitSubType_HighPassFilter
 300              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 301              Flags          2 0
 302     10600 : Apple: AUHighShelfFilter
 303              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 304              SubType        hshf:kAudioUnitSubType_HighShelfFilter
 305              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 306              Flags          2 0
 307     10600 : Apple: AUPeakLimiter
 308              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 309              SubType        lmtr:kAudioUnitSubType_PeakLimiter
 310              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 311              Flags          2 0
 312     10600 : Apple: AULowpass
 313              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 314              SubType        lpas:kAudioUnitSubType_LowPassFilter
 315              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 316              Flags          2 0
 317     10600 : Apple: AULowShelfFilter
 318              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 319              SubType        lshf:kAudioUnitSubType_LowShelfFilter
 320              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 321              Flags          2 0
 322     10600 : Apple: AUMultibandCompressor
 323              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 324              SubType        mcmp:kAudioUnitSubType_MultiBandCompressor
 325              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 326              Flags          2 0
 327     10600 : Apple: AUMatrixReverb
 328              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 329              SubType        mrev:kAudioUnitSubType_MatrixReverb
 330              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 331              Flags          2 0
 332     10600 : Apple: AUNBandEQ
 333              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 334              SubType        nbeq:kAudioUnitSubType_NBandEQ
 335              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 336              Flags          2 0
 337     10600 : Apple: AUNetSend
 338              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 339              SubType        nsnd:kAudioUnitSubType_NetSend
 340              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 341              Flags          0 0
 342     10600 : Apple: AUParametricEQ
 343              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 344              SubType        pmeq:kAudioUnitSubType_ParametricEQ
 345              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 346              Flags          2 0
 347     20003 : Apple: AURoundTripAAC
 348              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 349              SubType        raac:kAudioUnitSubType_RoundTripAAC
 350              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 351              Flags          2 0
 352     10600 : Apple: AURogerBeep
 353              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 354              SubType        rogr:kAudioUnitSubType_RogerBeepdefault
 355              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 356              Flags          2 0
 357     10600 : Apple: AUSampleDelay
 358              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 359              SubType        sdly:kAudioUnitSubType_SampleDelay
 360              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 361              Flags          2 0
 362     10600 : Apple: AUPitch
 363              Type           aufx:kAudioUnitType_Effect
 364              SubType        tmpt:kAudioUnitSubType_TimePitch/kAudioUnitSubType_Pitch
 365              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 366              Flags          2 0
 367     10600 : Apple: AUAudioFilePlayer
 368              Type           augn:kAudioUnitType_Generator
 369              SubType        afpl:kAudioUnitSubType_AudioFilePlayer
 370              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 371              Flags          2 0
 372     10600 : Apple: AUNetReceive
 373              Type           augn:kAudioUnitType_Generator
 374              SubType        nrcv:kAudioUnitSubType_NetReceive
 375              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 376              Flags          0 0
 377     10600 : Apple: AUScheduledSoundPlayer
 378              Type           augn:kAudioUnitType_Generator
 379              SubType        sspl:kAudioUnitSubType_ScheduledSoundPlayer
 380              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 381              Flags          2 0
 382     20000 : Apple: AUSpeechSynthesis
 383              Type           augn:kAudioUnitType_Generator
 384              SubType        ttsp:----
 385              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 386              Flags          2 0
 387     10600 : Apple: DLSMusicDevice
 388              Type           aumu:kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice
 389              SubType        dls :kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth
 390              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 391              Flags          2 0
 392     10000 : Apple: AUSampler
 393              Type           aumu:kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice
 394              SubType        samp:kAudioUnitSubType_Sampler
 395              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 396              Flags          2 0
 397     20400 : Apple: AUMixer3D
 398              Type           aumx:kAudioUnitType_Mixer
 399              SubType        3dmx:kAudioUnitSubType_3DMixer
 400              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 401              Flags          2 0
 402     10600 : Apple: AUMultiChannelMixer
 403              Type           aumx:kAudioUnitType_Mixer
 404              SubType        mcmx:kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer
 405              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 406              Flags          2 0
 407     10600 : Apple: AUMatrixMixer
 408              Type           aumx:kAudioUnitType_Mixer
 409              SubType        mxmx:kAudioUnitSubType_MatrixMixer
 410              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 411              Flags          2 0
 412     10600 : Apple: AUMixer
 413              Type           aumx:kAudioUnitType_Mixer
 414              SubType        smxr:kAudioUnitSubType_StereoMixer
 415              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 416              Flags          2 0
 417     10600 : Apple: AUTimePitch
 418              Type           auol:kAudioUnitType_OfflineEffect
 419              SubType        tmpt:kAudioUnitSubType_TimePitch/kAudioUnitSubType_Pitch
 420              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 421              Flags          2 0
 422     10600 : Apple: AUVarispeed
 423              Type           auol:kAudioUnitType_OfflineEffect
 424              SubType        vari:kAudioUnitSubType_Varispeed
 425              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 426              Flags          2 0
 427     10600 : Apple: AudioDeviceOutput
 428              Type           auou:kAudioUnitType_Output
 429              SubType        ahal:kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput
 430              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 431              Flags          2 0
 432     10600 : Apple: DefaultOutputUnit
 433              Type           auou:kAudioUnitType_Output
 434              SubType        def :kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput
 435              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 436              Flags          2 0
 437     10600 : Apple: GenericOutput
 438              Type           auou:kAudioUnitType_Output
 439              SubType        genr:kAudioUnitSubType_GenericOutput
 440              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 441              Flags          2 0
 442     10600 : Apple: SystemOutputUnit
 443              Type           auou:kAudioUnitType_Output
 444              SubType        sys :kAudioUnitSubType_SystemOutput
 445              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 446              Flags          2 0
 447     10600 : Apple: AUVoiceProcessor
 448              Type           auou:kAudioUnitType_Output
 449              SubType        vpio:kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO
 450              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 451              Flags          2 0
 452     10600 : Apple: AUSoundFieldPanner
 453              Type           aupn:kAudioUnitType_Panner
 454              SubType        ambi:kAudioUnitSubType_SoundFieldPanner
 455              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 456              Flags          2 0
 457     10600 : Apple: HRTFPanner
 458              Type           aupn:kAudioUnitType_Panner
 459              SubType        hrtf:kAudioUnitSubType_HRTFPanner
 460              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 461              Flags          2 0
 462     10600 : Apple: AUSphericalHeadPanner
 463              Type           aupn:kAudioUnitType_Panner
 464              SubType        sphr:kAudioUnitSubType_SphericalHeadPanner
 465              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 466              Flags          2 0
 467     10600 : Apple: AUVectorPanner
 468              Type           aupn:kAudioUnitType_Panner
 469              SubType        vbas:kAudioUnitSubType_VectorPanner
 470              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 471              Flags          2 0
 472     17071 : AC3
 473              Type           adec:----
 474              SubType        AC-3:----
 475              Manufacturerer cd3r:----
 476              Flags          10000000 1001a
 477     17071 : AC3
 478              Type           adec:----
 479              SubType        ac-3:----
 480              Manufacturerer cd3r:----
 481              Flags          10000000 10018
 482     17071 : AC3
 483              Type           adec:----
 484              SubType        ms :----
 485              Manufacturerer cd3r:----
 486              Flags          10000000 10019
 487   1100230 : Applet
 488              Type           aplt:----
 489              SubType        scpt:----
 490              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 491              Flags          17e 10025
 492     10600 : Apple: SystemOutputUnit
 493              Type           aunt:----
 494              SubType        out :----
 495              Manufacturerer sys :----
 496              Flags          10000000 1004b
 497   1100230 : AppleScript
 498              Type           osa :----
 499              SubType        ascr:----
 500              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 501              Flags          100001fe 10024
 502   1100230 : Generic Scripting System
 503              Type           osa :----
 504              SubType        scpt:----
 505              Manufacturerer appl:kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
 506              Flags          100001fe 10026

posted by Face Saturn on Sat 9 Nov 2013 at 00:07

2次関数 f(x) = pK ( x - pX ) ^ 2 + pY の定義域 [ pP, pQ ] で描かれる曲線を3次ベジエで近似しようとするとき、 2つのコントロールポイントの座標を以下のプログラムのように求めればよい。 x1, y1 と x2, y2

   1  double wPQ = pP * pQ;
   2  double wPP = pP * pP;
   3  double wQQ = pQ * pQ;
   4  double x1 = ( ( wPQ - 2 * wPP + wQQ ) / 3 ) / ( pQ - pP );
   5  double x2 = ( ( wPQ + wPP - 2 * wQQ ) / 3 ) / ( pP - pQ );
   6  double wA = pK * ( pQ + pP - 2 * pX );
   7  double wB = pY + pK * ( pX * pX - ( wPP + wPQ + wQQ ) / 3 );
   8  double y1 = x1 * wA + wB;
   9  double y2 = x2 * wA + wB;

考え方 線分 p->q を L とする。( wA は L の傾き) L に平行な直線で、f(x)に接する直線を M とする。 L からみて M 側にあり、L と M の距離の 4/3 倍の距離にある L に平行な直線を N とする。 ( y = wA * x + wB ) この N の上に2つのコントロールポイントをおく。 N と x = pP における接線との交点が1つめのコントロールポイント N と x = pQ における接線との交点が2つめのコントロールポイント である。

pP = 0, pQ = 1 のとき、

   1  double x1 = 1. / 3.;
   2  double x2 = 2. / 3.;
   3  double wN = pY + pK * ( pX * pX - 1. / 3. );
   4  double y1 = x1 * pK + wN;
   5  double y2 = x2 * pK + wN;

posted by Face Saturn on Thu 19 Sep 2013 at 17:55

   1  inline	CAAnimation*
   2  BounceAnimationElement( CGPoint pFrom, CGPoint pTo, double pBeginTime, double pDuration, CAMediaTimingFunction* pMTF )
   3  {	CABasicAnimation* v = [ CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position" ];
   4  	v.fromValue = [ NSValue valueWithCGPoint:pFrom ];
   5  	v.toValue = [ NSValue valueWithCGPoint:pTo ];
   6  	v.beginTime = pBeginTime;
   7  	v.duration  = pDuration;
   8  	v.timingFunction = pMTF;
   9  	return v;
  10  }
  12  inline	CAAnimation*
  13  BounceAnimation( CALayer* pL, CGPoint pDest, double pInitialDuration = 1, double pK = .3, size_t pRepeat = 10 )
  14  {	CAMediaTimingFunction* wMTF_D = [ CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithControlPoints:1./3. :0 :2./3. :1./3. ];
  15  	CAMediaTimingFunction* wMTF_U = [ CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithControlPoints:1./3. :2./3. :2./3. :1 ];
  17  	CGPoint wOrigin = pL.position;
  19  	NSMutableArray* wAnimationArray = NSMutableArray.array;
  20  	[ wAnimationArray addObject:BounceAnimationElement( pL.position, pDest, 0, pInitialDuration, wMTF_D ) ];
  22  	double	wBeginTime = pInitialDuration;
  24  	double	wK = 1;
  25  	while ( pRepeat-- )
  26  	{	wK *= pK;
  27  		CGPoint wPoint = CGPointMake
  28  		(	wOrigin.x * wK + pDest.x * ( 1 - wK )
  29  		,	wOrigin.y * wK + pDest.y * ( 1 - wK )
  30  		);
  31  		double wDuration = pInitialDuration * wK * ( 1 / sqrt( wK ) );
  32  		[ wAnimationArray addObject:BounceAnimationElement( pDest, wPoint, wBeginTime, wDuration, wMTF_U ) ];
  33  		wBeginTime += wDuration;
  34  		[ wAnimationArray addObject:BounceAnimationElement( wPoint, pDest, wBeginTime, wDuration, wMTF_D ) ];
  35  		wBeginTime += wDuration;
  36  	}
  38  	pL.position = pDest;
  40  	CAAnimationGroup* v = CAAnimationGroup.animation;
  41  	v.duration = wBeginTime;
  42  	v.animations = wAnimationArray;
  44  	return v;
  45  }
  47  -	(IBAction)
  48  Group
  49  {	[ mL addAnimation:BounceAnimation( mL, CGPointMake( 160, 240 ) ) forKey:nil ];
  50  }

posted by Face Saturn on Thu 19 Sep 2013 at 11:18
AVAudioPlayer doesn't sound on Simulator.(MacPro 2013)
Zero Link : nibWithNibName and loadNibNamed returns nil with optimization.
AddressBook の grant @iOS7
Memory のコピー
dispatch_apply, dispatch_async
AudioUnit の Callback で渡ってくる AudioTimeStamp の mHostTime
mavericks の AudioComponent
Services from s21g