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This release includes a small spec change.

I changed spec of count method. Now it works without :group option. If you want old behaviour, you can use count_ids method instead.


Good luck ;-)

posted by Png takiuchi on Sun 28 Sep 2008 at 03:57

Today, maiha, the author of the one of the most authorized books regarding rails in Japan, had sent me a patch including various improvements for the PaginationScope. I want to say thank you for the great contribution.

And then I merged it into the master and pushed to the GitHub.


Here is the list of improvements from Maiha.


  • AR.paginate の第三引数に options を渡せるように変更
  • AR.paginate の options は第一引数でも可能にした AR.paginate(params[:page], 10, options) 以外にも以下のように書ける
       1     options = {
       2       :page => params[:page],
       3       :per_page => 10,
       4       :order => "id",
       5     }
       6     AR.paginate(options)


  • Helper#paginate のオプション名を変更 (newer->prev, older->next) 昇順、降順によって newer/older が逆の意味になってわかり辛かったので
  • Helper#paginate の各要素にクラス名を付与 will_paginate のスタイルシートがそのまま使えるように合わせた
  • Helper#paginate のリンクに rel 属性を追加 AutoPagerize 対応
  • Helper#paginate のオプションに truncate を追加 省略時の '...' を設定可能にした

Thanks again!

posted by Png takiuchi on Fri 26 Sep 2008 at 18:48

Recently, the Formula had been slowing down.

The Formula is the service which provides a way to make images of mathematical expressions for embedding it into your blogs, BBSs and so on.

There was the problem in the manner of ranking the referred formulae. So I solved the issue by choosing simpler algorithm.

Now it became faster. Please try it again if you've given up once before for the slowness of the service.

Thank you for patience. I will keep appreciating any kind of feedbacks. Feel free to contact us.

posted by Png takiuchi on Wed 24 Sep 2008 at 03:48

Today, I added the feature mentioned in the title above to the Gist Ubiquitifier.

Gist Ubiquitifier
Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

Obviously, it lacks title of the commands. This spec came from our purpose of providing transparent service to make pages for installing ubiquity commands.

But it might be provided in the future.

posted by Png takiuchi on Tue 16 Sep 2008 at 21:47

I attended the event called OoO, which is an offline meeting for offline renderists. The word renderist means people who are making renderer or interested in it.


The contents of the event is as follows.

  • Keynote by Toshiya Hachisuka
  • Report of SIGGRAPH 2008
  • An introduction of DEMO scenes.

These were all attractive and interesting. And talks about the Larrabee also were ubiquitous.

I have a long standing issue. The issue is if providing server-side offline renderer itself is able to be a business going concern. Once I had tried at 2003, but it failed. I thought it was too early and it would need a time of 5 years. So I gave up the business and switched to make a web application.

And the 5 years went by...

The gang's all near.

posted by Png takiuchi on Mon 15 Sep 2008 at 21:09

Formula is the service for embedding and sharing images of mathematical expression on your blog easily.

Recently, the service corresponded to embedding by BBCode. For example, following BBCode is generated to be embedded.

   1  [url=http://formula.s21g.com/?f(x)%3D%5Cint_0%5E%7Bx%7Dg(t)%5C,dt][img]http://formula.s21g.com/?f(x)%3D%5Cint_0%5E%7Bx%7Dg(t)%5C,dt.png[/img][/url]

So that you can use it for bulletin boards which are capable to interpret BBCode such as phpBB.

posted by Png takiuchi on Tue 9 Sep 2008 at 18:35

I made an Ubiquity command in order to enable us to get images of mathematical equations from anywhere at anytime. It uses the Formula , which is the service for making images of mathematical formulae.

You can also get a preview of your input in real time, like this.



The command is able to be installed from here.

NOTE1: You need the Ubiquity , an extension of the Firefox, to use ubiquity commands.

NOTE2: This command requires BASIC authentication via SSL at the first time in order to prevent SPAM posts. When you get the dialog box of the authentication, please enter your name and password which were used when you left a comment at the Formula. It means that you must leave at least one comment to the Formula for being authorized.

posted by Png takiuchi on Thu 4 Sep 2008 at 04:50

I made a tiny presentation tool for terminal addicts (of course including myself ;-)

USAGE is in README and sample directory.

You can make a presentation by using your favorite terminal like this.

   4        _                  _
   5       |_)   |_     _ ._  |_) _.o| _
   6       | \|_||_)\/ (_)| | | \(_|||_>
   7                /
   9       The Web Application Framework
  11          s21g LLC Genki Takiuchi
  14   1/15|**                          |00:02

I'd used this tool at the LL future.

posted by Png takiuchi on Mon 1 Sep 2008 at 11:54

MozillaLab's Ubiquity is a promising new window to the world after the age of the search box. I was strongly impressed with it, I've done a quickie job.

Gist Ubiquitifier

This is a service for enabling us to publish your Ubiquity commands without any servers which host the HTML file for installing the commands.


At first, you make a JavaScript snippet including Ubiquity commands on the Gist.

If the URL of the page is as follows,


the URL of installation page is as follows.


You can also specify the name of the command by adding name parameter to the query string, like this.


Currently the design of the service is very crufty. I will improve it if there are needs.

posted by Png takiuchi on Mon 1 Sep 2008 at 10:43
PaginationScope-0.0.7 Release
Shipped PaginationScope-0.0.6, Thanks to Maiha.
Sped up the Formula
Added Top Rated and New Commands to The Gist Ubiquitifier
Event Report: Offline Meeting for Offline Renderists
Formula corresponded to embedding by BBCode
The Ubiquity Meets Mathematical Formulae
Present: The Presentation Tool for Terminal
Gist Ubiquitifier: A server-less way to publish your Ubiquity command.
Spencer: You don't have to re-compile it, this version w... '14-4
staiano: Any chance we can get a recompile for 10.9? '14-1
falsefalse: @tiancongxin try using this one https://github.... '12-2
tiancongxin: TerminalCopyOnSelect not work on OS X 'Lion' , ... '11-7
staiano: Roderick you rock for recompiling it. Thanks. '11-3
Services from s21g